Focus on the areas of product development, process optimization and individual
technical evaluation products
x.project AG, the specialist for space surveys, due diligences and digital services, has (already as of April 1, 2019) been able to recruit an experienced professional for the management as Chief Operations Officer (COO) in the person of Henry Fritzsche. The 37-year-old is responsible for product development, process optimization and individual technical assessment products.
Henry Fritzsche graduated from the Technical University of Central Hesse Giessen/Friedberg with a degree in industrial engineering. He also holds a Master of Engineering degree from Mainz University of Applied Sciences. He is a specialist in all matters relating to building technology and building operation or technical building management. He has now been working in the real estate industry for over 15 years and has an additional qualification as a certified facility manager (GEFMA). In the context of technical due diligences (TDD), he has examined and evaluated more than 4 million square meters with a transaction volume of around 10 billion euros in acquisition options and offers of properties in Germany and abroad.
With Henry Fritzsche, we have been able to gain a proven expert in civil engineering and technical building equipment (TGA), who at the same time has outstanding interdisciplinary expertise.
In particular, he will drive the expansion of our digital real estate services. The aim is to standardize the assessment of technical issues and optimize it with the help of digital applications. The linking of such complex processes is to take place both in own developments and in cooperation projects. We plan to go to market with the first products before the end of 2019.
Holger Weber, member of the board of x.project AG
Founded in 2000, x.project AG secures and increases real estate returns. To this end, it standardizes, digitizes and revolutionizes real estate services in the areas of space analysis, real estate due diligence for technology and the environment, monitoring and real estate documentation via a fully digital platform.